One Earth One Family – Save Earth
All of us, from people to animals to plants, live on a big,
beautiful planet called Earth. We have air to breathe, water to drink, and lots
of amazing creatures to share our home with.
But how do we take care of our earth? We can do simple
things like turning off lights when we are not using them, and using less plastic so that we don’t trash them.
Animals and plants are part of our big family too. Trees
give us clean air, and animals need safe places to live. Let’s be kind to animals
and stop cutting down too many trees, this will help our Earth family to stay
We needn’t have to wear a cape around our neck to be superheroes
to save our planet. Earthlings let us be the guardians of Earth and act now by
educating everyone that there is no planet B.
Blue Planet Harmony - Through oceans and lands, We Stand United
One Earth, One Family, One Mission.
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